Become a member of KHN!

As a busy hospitality entrepreneur, you want to spend your time on the right things. It’s nice to be able to fall back on advisors who speak your language and to stay informed about all the relevant developments in the industry. This way you can focus on being an entrepreneur.

Entrepreneurs with multiple businesses benefit from a collective discount

Do you own more than one establishment? Then, you will receive a 25% discount on the membership fee invoice for each location, on condition that you are a member with all locations. For more information about chains (10 locations or more), please contact member recruitment at


On top of the contribution for KHN, there a about 40 departments that ask for an extra contribution, called ‘de hoofdelijke omslag’, for extra activities in that department. Approval on this is requested in the general membership meeting. See here which departments this concerns.

Your company information

Business address

Correspondence address

Your payment information, discount arrangement and other

KHN works solely with direct debit, which requires an authorization (Fill out an authorization card).

If the same music from one sound source is played in several premises, the areas of the premises may be added together. In the case of a seasonal business, the months of opening must be reported. A seasonal business is defined as being closed for at least 3 consecutive months per year.
Name of premisesNumber of m2Start date MusicFrom (date)To (date) 
If the artists' or DJ's fee/purchase price exceeds €1,000 per day, the General Tariff applies. This use of music must be reported directly to Buma/Sena. After notification, invoicing is done by Buma/Sena itself.
Name of premisesNumber of m2Number of days a yearFrom (date) 
Name of premisesNumber of m2Number of days a yearFrom (date) 

D. Other music use
Number of hotel rooms/bungalowsFrom (date) 
Name of premisesNumber of m2From (date) 
Name of premisesNumber of m2From (date) 
Name of premisesNumber of m2From (date) 


* = required

Direct advies nodig?

We zijn ma t/m vr van 9.30 tot 16.00 uur telefonisch bereikbaar op 0348 48 94 89. Je kunt ook mailen naar of je vraag stellen via het contactformulier.

Liever uitgebreider en persoonlijk contact? Maak dan een afspraak voor een online adviesgesprek via dit formulier.
